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Tune Out Haters + Critics and Achieve Your Fitness Goals

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Tune Out Haters + Critics and Achieve Your Fitness Goals

Whether we are ready to change careers, decide to travel the world, or start working out to get healthy or in the best shape of our lives, we know that it helps to have a support group to change our habits or achieve a goal.

The hard truth is that people might not understand how to deal once it hits home that you are actually changing. It was frustrating to not receive support and it made me feel like an outcast at times. I know that was never anyone’s intention, but it sure could feel lonely. Judging by the stories my clients share every day, there’s a good chance you’ve experienced it, too.

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Exercises To Do On a Treadmill That Aren’t, Well, Running


Exercises To Do On a Treadmill That Aren’t, Well, Running

Treadmills are notorious for epic running workouts because that’s what they were designed for. If you’ve avoided them for that very reason, then prepare to be taken outside of the thinking box. These exercises require a treadmill but don’t include any mileage, which means you’ll be getting a full body workout while adding a little bit of variety to your routine.

Kaveh says, "Skateboards on the treadmill are one of my overall favorite exercises. The exercise allows you to work your legs unilaterally, which serves as a very functional form of sport-specific training. I also love that your upper body and core are used for stability while your target leg gets an awesome workout."

Jesse says, "When consciously working your core, the goal is to have those muscles fire up while you're going about in your daily life. Aim to incorporate these movements at least three days a week. This actively trains your core to come to life from shoulder girdle to gluteus while protecting the spine."


Top 5 Habits to Embrace this Year


Top 5 Habits to Embrace this Year

Bad habits are difficult to break. Let 2015 be the year that you conquer your goals and live the life that’s best for you! Don’t think for one second we are about to begin the new year by emphasizing only the things you should stop doing. Instead, we have put together a list of good habits to start in the new year allowing you to reach the ultimate goal of happiness...  

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."

- Leonardo Da Vinci
